Every summer the guided tour of the so called Castle in Lipari is proposed by the Association of Tourist Guide Eolie Messina Taormina since 2016.
We suggest not only a stroll down Aeolian archaeology, but also the discovery of the Acropolis of Lipari.
This tour permits to know the millenary history of the island. Walking through the acropolis, people are guided, in order to discover the archaeological area, the famous prehistoric and classical sections of the Museum together with the Cathedral. Everything is surrounded and protected by a mighty defensive wall, so giving the name of Castle to this rocky promontory of the acropolis.
The goal of the tour
Our idea of a guided tour aims at satisfying both the numerous Aeolian tour operators’ requests and local people’s knowledge of the area. It’s common opinion of individual groups that a guided tour is a proper solution to better enjoy the beauties and the history of a spot.
Archaeological aspect of the tour
The guided visit allows to understand how the islands were a strategic trade place since the fifth millennium BC. Walking through the acropolis we can recall almost 6000 years of Lipari history. In 580 BC after the destruction of the Ausonian prehistoric villages, Lipari was occupied by some Greek populations coming from Cnidus and Rhodes. After that the local people declared themselves descendent from the right and hospitable Aeolus, lords of winds. So they decided to accept the new settlers. Later, there was the foundation of the Greek colony in Lipari, which became a wealthy place of the South of Italy
Religious aspect of the tour
Besides the archaeological aspect, we can’t overlook the religious one thanks to the visit to Saint Bartholomew’s Cathedral. Here we can understand people’s deep worship for the saint. But the visit to the ancient Norman cloister can’t be undervalued too. Because it’s a hidden treasure inside the church.
Well, if you want to find out curiosities about St Bartholomew and his arrival on Lipari, you should book a guided tour in summer.
Stay tuned!